Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July

Happy 4th of July!!

I want to take a minute and thank all those in Military Service that sacrifice everyday for the freedoms my family and I enjoy everyday!

My heartfelt thanks to you and your family!!

I hope everyone can enjoy a great BBQ with family and friends on this great day!!

I am off to mow the lawn!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I am electrified!!!

WOW I can't believe it has been a month since I have posted! Bad blogger! LOL
We have been having some vicious thunderstorms the last few days! It has been wild!
Well last night it literally hit my house and a tree in my yard!! Blew the tree all over the yard. Thanks God no one was hurt and the damage was only to the tree outside.
The house did not sustain any damage but sadly my stove in the kitchen was zapped. Oh Darn it all I won't be able to cook!! LOL
Waiting for the insurance adjuster to come and then I can get everything fixed!!
I really hope there are not any windy storms until that tree gets removed.

several large chunks blew off the tree. The power of nature is just amazing!!
Maybe I can get some stamping in this Holiday weekend!